My Favorite Marketing Word…

I doubt you’ll guess what my favorite marketing word is. In fact, it’s not a word that’s specific to marketing, or even to business in general.

It’s not professional jargon and it only has three letters.

And no, it isn’t YES.

Try these sentences on for size:

1) I don’t know how to write good copy.

2) I can’t figure out the techie side of my blog.

3) I don’t understand how to write a marketing plan.

4) I’m not very strong at thinking strategically.

Most of us have said or thought these kinds of limiting thoughts.

I can’t. I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. I wouldn’t…

Now try those same sentences on with the addition of my favorite three lettered word:

1) I don’t know how to write good copy yet.

2) I can’t figure out the techie side of my blog yet.

3) I don’t understand how to write a marketing plan yet.

4) I’m not very strong at thinking strategically yet.

There’s a whole mindset change hiding in that tiny word.

1) I don’t know how to write good copy yet. But I’ll learn.

2) I can’t figure out the techie side of my blog yet. But I’ll learn.

3) I don’t understand how to write a marketing plan yet. But I’ll learn.

4) I’m not very strong at thinking strategically yet. But I’ll learn.

See what I mean?

Any time you find yourself thinking negative thoughts try reframing them by adding yet at the end of your sentence.

I think it makes a world of difference, and not only in marketing. Try it in almost any context and see how well it works.

What do you think?



One Response to My Favorite Marketing Word…

  1. Hi Debbie and thanks for showing me how this word can be important. It’s real what you said!
    Adding just a “yet” at the end of a negative phrase can transform it in a new vision.

    From now on I will try to add a “yet” every time I think something is impossible for me.

    Thanks so much and see you soon!
    Alessandro Zamboni

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